Friday, June 6, 2014

Zorra #2

1. Tell us about your roller derby name, how did you come up with it? 
Choosing my name, I wanted something that would incirporate some of the things I appriciate in life. My degree has a minor in Spanish, so I was looking for a name that could incorporate that, plus sounding fierce and independent. Playing around with a bunch of ideas, I eventually remembered Zorro, a Mexican Robin Hood television program I loved when I was little. The female version Zorra (the female fox) was especially fitting as my then team was the Vixens.

2. How long have you been playing?
Almost 3 years

3. What team(s) do you play on? And what do you do as a volunteer for SCAR?
I currently play on the Mount Nittany Mayhem. ((Up until this year, I played with the Susquehanna Valley Derby Vixens). Any bout I'm not skating, I'm volunteering doing something - penalty box timing, manning the door, stat tracking - whatever's needed. I also serve on SCAR's creative, coaching and junior derby committees.

4. Off the track, what kind of work do you do?  
When I'm not making derby my whole life, I'm a senior undergraduate student at the Pennsylvania State University, in Anthropology and Women's Studies. I also work at each a local natatorium and museum, and am writing an honors thesis on, you guessed it, roller derby.

5. What is your position and how do you approach it?
Though I'm happy to skate any position, I usually jam. (Sometimes it seems easier, having only one goal rather than playing offense and defense as the blockers do!) It may require a little fearlessness (or stupidity, depending how you look at it) to jam, but what it really requires for me is the motivation to get back up and keep going - usually my approach is "just keep going", but it's frequently interrupted by "yay, I got around that awesome blocker!!" or "wheeeeee!!!! I love getting whips from my teammates!"

6. What’s one thing that you have learned from Derby that you are able to use in everyday life?
What have I learned from derby - can I count the ways?
There's the physical and mental strength to play a rough game and to organize a league, there's the community of acceptance of everyone and trust, there's the motivation to be the best you can and to help your teammates do the same, there's the knowledge that no matter how hard and demanding, it's still fun.... I use all of these in my everyday life. Derby teaches us to be awesome, and know that we're awesome.

7. What would you tell a person who is thinking about coming to a SCAR Bout/trying out to ref or skate for SCAR/volunteering with SCAR?  
Please do it. You may again find such a sport that can change your life, bring you endless moments of hard-earned joy, and a community that backs your every step, but why take the risk? Roller derby's got you covered on all those fronts. And while nothing new is easy, just keep going once you start - we'll help you, and soon you'll be teaching others to fly too.

8. What equipment do you use? Skates? Wheels? Protective Gear? Must-Haves?
Helmet: S-One
Mouthguard: ProTech Dent (the expensive mouthguard is absolutely worth being able to forget you're wearing it)
Wrist guards: Atom Armor
Elbow pads: 187s Fly
Gaskets: TSG
Knee pads: Smith's Scabs
Skates: Antik AR1s in black / purple / pink / blue. Gumball toe stops. Rollerbones Turbo wheels (these are a-m-a-z-i-n-g).

Must-haves: Giant rolly bag to stuff everything in, and Derby Famous arm bands with number (or I'd never not have sharpie remains on me)

9. Who supports you in doing roller derby, and what would you say to them?
My derby wife is the model derby wife of support and awesomeness: ParaNorma of SVDV.

<3 you wifey, even when you're far away.


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