Friday, June 6, 2014

Bashin' LaSassin #S4SS

 SCAR since 2011

Special Role(s): Morale, Constitution

Tell us about your roller derby name, how did you come up with it?
My nickname is "LaLa" or just plain "La" which led to "LaSassin." The "Bash'n" is just a descriptor.

Off the track, what kind of work do you do?  Do you have any other hobbies besides roller derby? 
I'm a programmer, so I need derby to keep life interesting.

What drew you to roller derby?
I roller skated a lot as a kid, so I suspected I may like roller derby. I went to watch a bout and was hooked. I wanted in there so bad!

Tell us about the first time you participated in a bout.
I can't! I was so nervous that it was mostly a blur about which I remember very little. I do know that I acquired no penalties, which is indicative that I didn't do much of anything.

What’s one thing that you have learned from Derby that you are able to use in everyday life? 
I have learned the power of persistence. I have a few setbacks in getting to this point, but I've proved to myself that I can work through them if I keep at it.

What’s the thing you love most about being a roller girl?/ref/NSO?
I love the people I've met with through derby.

What was your most embarrassing SCAR moment?
I think I've been doing this long enough that I no longer have any shame.

What would you tell a person who is thinking about coming to a SCAR Bout/trying out to ref or skate for SCAR/volunteering with SCAR? 
DO IT! Derby is so much fun!

Any injury stories?
My only significant injury was a broken ankle. I wish I had a good story, but no such luck. When people asked how I did it, I just answered, "roller derby," and let their imaginations run wild. I would happy to make up a more interesting story for an opportunity to show off my scar.


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